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Cavalcade of Champions  

Harry K. Jones, Vice President of Creative Development, recently debuted a new keynote presentation, entitled "Cavalcade of Champions" in Chicago. The presentation received rave reviews from the audience.

In the keynote, Harry details how successful people from every walk of life develop their own unique approach to overcoming barriers and achieving goals. Research continues to support the fact that peak performers are not born—they're made. While they discover, develop and apply their own individual styles, certain common characteristics consistently surface among high achievers. In this keynote presentation, you can learn more about the winning ways of:

  • Stephen Covey, author 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart
  • Oprah Winfrey, producer, actress, talk show host
  • Herb Kellerher, CEO of Southwest Airlines
  • Jack Welch, CEO of GE
  • Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft
  • and many others as this program examines those basic, but powerful, common characteristics that you, too, can harness for greater productivity and personal satisfaction.

Publication Date: Spring 1999


Keynote and seminar speaker Harry K. Jones

Professional speaker Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D.

The AchieveMax® team of professional speakers celebrates its 35th year in business in 2015.
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